Policies and Code of Conduct  GRI 4.8; 4.11 


Ethics is one of Triunfo´s fundamental values. All of its actions, decisions and relationships are based on responsible and transparent actions.

So as to reinforce this organizational value, since 2010 Triunfo´s Code of Conduct has been accessible on its website, for employees and other stakeholders. All newly contracted employees are given a copy and, after familiarizing themselves with its content, sign a term of agreement. GRI SO3 

The Code defines the company´s standards and procedures with regards to ethics, honesty, mutual respect and moral integrity and establishes procedures to guard against corruption, discrimination, abuse of power, conflict of interest and favoritism towards suppliers. One of its items establishes anti-corruption practices which state that no employee may receive financial payment or any other form of advantage for services provided to another stakeholder, just as they may not use their position or function for their personal benefit. In regard to the relationship with the public sector, one item describes how payment or gifts offered to public servants to acquire or facilitate services provided is strictly not permitted. The Code also states that contributions favoring political parties or religious groups, whether financial or consisting of goods or services, must be previously authorized by the Presidency.

Furthermore, the content details how the use of company equipment is solely permitted for professional purposes, establishes standards in relation to workplace attitudes and explains management processes in the areas of Health, Safety and the Environment. It also clearly states the penalties applicable for noncompliance towards items contained in the Code.

The results of this effort contribute towards the reduction of fraud, misappropriation of resources and illicit acts. All of Triunfo´s businesses are subject to evaluation of risks relating to corruption. In 2012, there were no cases of corruption identified in any of Triunfo´s businesses. GRI SO2; SO4 

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