Relations with Communities 


Triunfo´s relationship with its stakeholders has been enhanced through various channels of communication and corporate social responsibility programs. Triunfo strives to achieve its commitment to attend to the needs of its stakeholders and create positive links with local communities. GRI SO1;SO9; SO10 

Its main channels of communication are:

Telephone: (11) 2169.3999
• E-mail:
• Website:



In 2012, Concer has promoted a series of social programs focused on the communities located amongst the nine municipalities along the BR-040. The programs span three thematic areas: children, teenagers and the elderly, welfare campaigns and the environment.

Children, Teenagers and the Elderly

Cruzada do Menor: Concer supports the charity (NGO) Cruzada do Menor, which works with children, youths, the elderly and their families. Its work consists of developing skills, advancing standards of living and contributing to positive transformations in the communities in which it operates.
Na Mão Certa (In the Right Hands): program to combat the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents along the country´s highways, via educational material published on the concessionaire´s website and in the Via Concer magazine. Also includes the distribution of folders on the highway highlighting the National Day to Combat Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Teenagers, the 18th of May.
Infancy and Adolescence Fund: Concer contributes to this fund administered by a council for the defense of the rights of children and teens, which allocates funds to NGO´s registered in the region where Concer operates.

Welfare Campaigns

Um Freio na Fome (A Brake on Hunger) Campaign: incentivizes the donation of non-perishable food to low-income families and institutions located close to the highway. In 2012, 45.2 tons of food was collected.
Clothing donations: Stimulates the donation of clothes and footwear to the Federation of Três Rios Residents Associations. Through the work of volunteers the federation promotes income-raising activities to finance a natural pharmacy attending to the municipality´s low-income population.
Other campaigns: The concessionaire also gathers donations to assist victims of severe rainfall (the area has been severely affected by heavy rains in recent years) and promotes the donation of toys for distribution at regional festivals close to the highway.
Recycling: All ink cartridges and printer toners discarded by the concessionaire are sent to the NGO Ação da Cidadania Contra a Miséria e Pela Vida, for later recycling to raise money to sustain their social projects.
Recycling Program: promotes the donation of unused materials to the Campos Elíseos Litter Pickers Association, a mixed cooperative for the sorting and commercialization of recyclable materials, located in the city of Duque de Caxias.
Sementinha (Little Seed) Project: Developed by the Rural Association of Duque de Caxias (ARDUC), the project aims at producing young sapling trees and divulging environmental concepts and practices to students of public schools in Duque de Caxias.
Environment Week: consists of the distribution of leaflets in public schools of the municipalities intersected by the highway and raising of awareness amongst the students about environmental preservation.
Concerito Ambiental: environmental education program aimed at public school students, includes activities such as nature walks, tree planting and a talk about environmental issues. In 2012, the number of schools included in the program increased, which reinforced the commitment of the company to the dissemination of environmental concepts.
Traffic Education Campaign: involves distribution of material explaining the basic concepts of education about traffic awareness for students at public schools located along the margins of the highway.


Econorte has three social responsibility programs targeting local communities that are located close to the stretch of highway administered by the concessionaire.

Cidadania nas Estradas (Citizenship on the Roads): launched at the end of 2011, the program provides information about health and wellbeing for children, pregnant women, the elderly and drivers. The objective is to bring knowledge and information to these communities incentivize people to take care of their health and to value education and preservation of the environment, resulting in improvements in their standards of living. The program operates from an adapted bus, divided into two areas: on one side there is a space for activities, talks and a library; on the other a space for healthcare consultancy.

Amongst the diverse activities realized, here are some of the highlights: blood pressure and glycaemia tests; talks by doctors and stretching and exercise sessions with physiotherapists aimed at pregnant women and elderly people; theatre, games with an environmental theme and traffic awareness education for children; specific activities with lorry drivers and drivers in general; a beauty salon for elderly people, pregnant women and drivers; and dances for elderly people.

• Caminhos da leitura (Paths to reading): this itinerant cultural project has the objective of expanding access to books and incentivizing reading habits in the community. Realized via Lei Rouanet (federal law incentivizing culture) and funding from Econorte, the project possesses a collection of a thousand literary volumes, books of quality and important titles for all ages, that are made available in public libraries. Two municipalities are selected at a time, receiving the books for a period of two months.

Projeto Pingo D'Água (A Drop of Water Project): environmental education program developed by Econorte, in partnership with the Consortium for Environmental Protection of the Tibagi River Basin (COPATI), and aimed at fourth-grade elementary school teachers and students. Pingo D'Água advocates the training of teachers to teach about the environment and provides specific didactic materials, including a Teacher´s Manual, Student Textbook and a Field Guide. Divided into two parts - theory and practice - the project provides a schedule of activities throughout the whole academic year. In the theory part, students are introduced to concepts and information about the environment and the watershed closest to their school. The practical part follows, with a visit to the valley, where students carry out a study of its situation, including aspects such as pollution, riparian forest, residents who are dependent on the valley, and where rubbish is deposited. Back in the classroom, with the coordination of their trained teacher, the students work with what they see around them: planting trees, recuperating degraded areas, creating exhibitions, handing out educative pamphlets and promoting awareness raising walks, always looking to strengthen the involvement of the local community with regard to environmental concerns. The project began in 2001, in the municipality of Ibiporã. To date, Pingo D'Água has trained seven thousand teachers and brought environmental education to approximately 190,000 students from 36 municipalities in the Tibagi River basin.


The Portonave de Todos (Portonave for everyone) program´s slogan translates its commitment: 'Hand-in-hand with social responsibility'. The program aims to involve employees and society in community actions to contribute to the growth and sustainable development of the municipality of Navegantes and the region. In action since 2007, Portonave de Todos focuses on the areas of education, culture and development, environmental preservation, health and sport. The company made the commitment to operate without harming the environment and with respect for the collectivity, so as to preserve environmental and cultural resources. Portonave is a signatory to the United Nations´(UN) eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and is part of the Santa Catarina 'Nós Podemos' Movement (an institution which mobilizes civil society and government to reach these Millennium Goals by 2015).

Instituto Triunfo

ATriunfo Participações e Investimentos runs the Triunfo Socio-cultural Institute, created to foment the promotion of culture, and the defense and conservation of artistic and historical heritage. The institute realizes actions aimed at social, cultural, artistic, environmental, technological, educational and sporting development. In 2012, the production of two editorial projects began: the books Rumo a Navegantes ('On course for Navegantes' - about the Itajaí Valley region where Portonave is located) and A Bacia do Tibagi-Paranapanema ('The Tibagi-Paranapanema Basin' - referring to the culture and geography of the region surrounding the Econorte highway). The books make up part of the collection Paisagens Culturais Brasileiras (Brazilian Cultural Landscapes). GRI SO1 


Community investment


In just one year, the resources Triunfo has directed to social programs have tripled. In 2012, its companies invested R$1.6 million in 32 community programs, distributed across various different regions of Brazil. There are 32 communities benefited by these programs, out of a total of 40 places where Triunfo operates. This shows the presence of the company through social programs in 80% its operating areas.

Management for community improvements


Triunfo´s companies attempt to minimize the impacts of their operations according to the characteristics of the sector they operate in. These actions range from warnings about when works will begin, through to building a new avenue to reduce truck traffic through the city. These kinds of initiatives reflect Triunfo´s vision of sustainability.

The management at Concer acts on various fronts to minimize the impacts of its operations on the community and to improve the lives of those living nearby as well as those who use the highway. The company has a program of maintenance and recuperation of drains and also cleaning and repair of channels, with the objective of maintaining good drainage flow of rainwater.

In parallel with these maintenance activities, the company works with education of local communities to avoid blocking-up of water channels with litter, as well as general orientation about correct litter disposal and how it helps to prevent erosion and landslips. In the case of accidents, a support team is immediately dispatched to provide emergency medical assistance and to quickly clear the road. To reduce displacement in the communities and avoid major congestion, the local population is informed about days and times of improvement works on the road, which are carried out at times of reduced traffic flow.

The highway administered by Concepa does not directly impact the surrounding communities. However, the concessionaire adopts preventative measures to avoid any inconvenience caused by road works, diversions and events which could alter the trafficability of the highway. In advance, notices are displayed at toll booths and leaflets distributed to road users with information about the stretches of highway likely to be affected.


Concepa operates Radiovia Free Way FM, a radio station for drivers, which relays up to date information about any occurrences on the highway which could interfere with travel. To listen to the broadcast, drivers can tune into the frequency 88.3 FM when passing the stretch between Osório and Guaíba. Live traffic updates are available between 7am and 10pm, Monday to Friday.

In 2012, in two “Operation Delta” events, five tons of litter was collected from along the highway and “Operation Winter” collected a total of 795 items of clothing donated by employees and highway users.

Social networks are also widely used to keep road users informed about conditions on the highway. See and

Portonave handles a very large quantity of shipping containers, using various equipment, which emit warning sounds to ensure the safety of operators and passers-by. To reduce the noise and effects of noise pollution on neighboring communities the company carries out an acoustic comfort monitoring program. Managed in accordance with the NR 15 regulatory standard, the program includes weekly inspections of machinery and equipment so as to guarantee that sounds emitted do not pass legally established limits. A technician from the company also conducts monthly acoustic measurements around the outside of the port terminal perimeter at 20 monitoring points, and in adjacent streets.

So as to minimize the effects of the heavy truck traffic in the area surrounding the port terminal, Portonave invested R$ 43 million in the construction of Port Avenue (Avenida Portuária), in 2010. The 1,810 meters of Port Avenue connect the port terminal to the highway BR-470, which connects the East and West regions of the state. The importance of this investment is proved by the large volume of traffic circulation daily at the terminal: in 2012 an average circulation of one thousand trucks per day was calculated. Port Avenue was planned and executed using up to date engineering and safety techniques. The Avenue consists of four lanes, three roundabouts and no traffic lights, allowing for rapid and free-flowing traffic movement. The construction has reduced the heavy vehicle traffic in the city center, providing greater mobility and safety for residents and visitors to Navegantes. GRI SO9; SO10 


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