Reporting Process


This report presents Triunfo´s sustainability performance in economic, social and environmental areas during the period from January 1st to December 31st of 2012. Its objective is to present to the company´s stakeholders, in a transparent manner, the advances made by the company and the challenges it has faced during the past year. The information covers all of the company´s operations in Brazil: Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos, Concepa, Concer, Econorte, Maestra, Portonaus, Portonave, Rio Canoas, Rio Verde and Vetria, with any exceptions clearly highlighted.

Triunfo´s sustainability report follows the directives of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), an international organization which is a reference in the corporate world for the communication of sustainability performance indicators. Using this methodology permits comparisons between companies of different sizes and operating in diverse sectors, helping to turn the reporting process more transparent.

For the classification of a sustainability report, the GRI provides three levels of application of the guidelines, in increasing order: C, B and A. For the second consecutive year, Triunfo responds to the indicators required for the level C classification (self-declared, without external verification).

In total, there are 36 indicators included in the report, all identified within the GRI remissive index according to the dimension they cover. In the 2012 report, Triunfo Participações e Investimentos begins reporting sectorial indicators relating to its companies: three indicators for the airports sector (referring to Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos), eight to the energy sector (Rio Verde) and one indicator for the transport and logistics sector (referring to Maestra).

The performance of the economic, social, environmental and sectorial indicators shows how Triunfo has endeavored to evolve in its sustainability management. Using the data contained in this report, the company plans to observe its trajectory over time and elaborate corporate policies applicable to all of its companies.

The Triunfo Sustainability Report is released annually and is available in digital format in Portuguese and English on the company´s website. For clarification or doubts regarding the published information, you can email


Stakeholder engagement GRI 3.5; 4.14; 4.16 


Reiterating the need to maintain a constant dialogue with its different publics, Triunfo promoted efforts to perfect the process of engaging stakeholders, an essential part of producing the 2012 sustainability report.

As part of the process, the identification and prioritization of the report´s content was based on a survey of materiality (relative importance) of the themes relating to sustainability. Triunfo´s main stakeholders were consulted and the content - the company´s main challenges and opportunities during the year - was discussed.

This process was carried out with the assistance of a specialized consultant, following the format described below:


Mapping and prioritization of stakeholders GRI 3.5; 4.14; 4.15 

Firstly those responsible for sustainability at Triunfo met to evaluate and familiarize themselves with the map of public interest groups. Based on this information it was possible to determine and apply the necessary criteria for prioritization of these stakeholder groups. These criteria take into consideration the impacts (positive and/or negative) of the company on these groups and also the impacts of these groups on the company.

 As a result of this meeting, it was decided amongst those involved that all of the groups would be considered in the consultation process. They are the following:


Mapping and prioritization of themes and indicators GRI 3.5; 4.17 

The process of defining the materiality of the themes to be included in the report was carried out by means of a broad formal survey of the opinions and interests of Triunfo´s priority stakeholders. The survey was sent to 160 people, including clients, suppliers, shareholders, investors, market analysts, staff, government, banks and financial entities, media outlets, communities and NGOs.

The themes of Corporate Governance (69.4%), Environmental Preservation (59.2%), People Management (53.1%), Transparency (49%) and Natural Resource Management (40.8%) were the five main themes elected by the stakeholders, which as a result, have shaped the text of this sustainability report. These themes are all worked on daily at Triunfo, which goes to show that the survey results are already closely aligned with the company´s position in relation to these concerns.

The following figure illustrates the survey findings:


So as to attend to the expectations of its stakeholders, Triunfo seeks to be able to report a consistent performance in relation to the principle themes raised, and to demonstrate the effectiveness of its corporate governance and communication practices.


Presentation and discussion of survey results GRI 3.5 

The results of the survey were presented to the staff members responsible for sustainability at Triunfo by the contracted consultancy. At the meeting, it became apparent that the themes highlighted by the stakeholders were already in line with the strategic priorities of the company.

During the consultation process the stakeholders gave testimony to their engagement to work together with the company and reaffirmed the importance of the disclosure of the sustainability report. Here is what some of the stakeholders had to say:

“The world needs companies to act in a sustainable way. Many of our resources are finite and the global population needs to become more aware of this. The sustainability report shows a company´s interest in progress without denigrating the environment, something which currently set a company apart”. Employee

“The sustainability report provides greater transparency and security regarding policies, practices and actions.” Investor

“The community engaged in sustainable development increasingly seeks do business with companies.” Employee

“I believe that, generally, the publication will help to demonstrate the company´s values and, in particular, informs about what Triunfo is doing in support of the search for sustainable solutions.” Supplier



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