Presentation and discussion of survey results  GRI 3.5 

The results of the survey were presented to the staff members responsible for sustainability at Triunfo by the contracted consultancy. At the meeting, it became apparent that the themes highlighted by the stakeholders were already in line with the strategic priorities of the company.


During the consultation process the stakeholders gave testimony to their engagement to work together with the company and reaffirmed the importance of the disclosure of the sustainability report. Here is what some of the stakeholders had to say:

“The world needs companies to act in a sustainable way. Many of our resources are finite and the global population needs to become more aware of this. The sustainability report shows a company´s interest in progress without denigrating the environment, something which currently set a company apart”. Employee

“The sustainability report provides greater transparency and security regarding policies, practices and actions.” Investor

“The community engaged in sustainable development increasingly seeks do business with companies.” Employee

“I believe that, generally, the publication will help to demonstrate the company´s values and, in particular, informs about what Triunfo is doing in support of the search for sustainable solutions.” Supplier

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